"jazz 9" revised / by Philip Tarlow

jazz 9 37x35”/94x89 cm., following today’s revisions. the before and after can be viewed beneath the text, below.

2:00 PM: today, it was jazz 9’s turn to be revised. i’m happy with the changes, except perhaps for the remainig blue shape on the lower left. but i’ll leave it for now and see how i feel tomorrow.

as i write this, i have ice on my right jaw, to try and calm down the pain and swelling from when i bit my cheek on wednesday following my dentist visit. the lower right side of my face was numbed up so that 2 temporary crowns could be placed and some caveties removed. so as we were driving home i was unaware that i bit my inner cheek so hard it caused a deep wound, which has been very painful ever since. i’m holding the thought that it’s not infected, doing salt water rinses as suggested by the dentist and applying ice.

but that hasn’t stopped me from painting! i treasure the time i have in my studio, and it would take a lot more than a painful cheek to keep me away.

BELOW: jazz 9 before and after today’s revisions