"jazz 10" painted over / by Philip Tarlow

jazz 10 after the changes i just made

2:51 PM: just as i was getting ready to leave the studio, i decide to simplify. so here’s where it’s at right now.

jazz 10 as it looked at the end of my painting day today.

2:10 PM: i worked into jazz 10, making it all but unrecogizable from where it was yesterday. i like where it’s at right now, so i’m stopping here for the day. looking at it tacked to the wall next to previous paintings in the jazz series, it holds its own. that bit of yellow on the right takes it to a new place.

here’s yesterdays version on the LEFT, compared with todays

12:10 PM: i wasn’t satisfied with jazz 10 when i cast my first glance this morning, so i’m entering no man’s land and following my gut as to where to go next. i’m listening to what the painting wants and putting what i think i want on the back burner.

we plan on walking at 3, but the weather is looking threatening, so we’ll see. don’t want a repeat of what happened a few days ago, when we got caught in a heavy hail storm!

at work on jazz 10 earlier this morning

thretening skies shot moments ago