triple creek 16 x 60 1/4” oil & oil stick on linen 2019, space gallery, denver
singing creek 38 x 78” oil stick, oil paints, colored pencil & collage on canvas, 2016-2019, space gallery, denver
aspen creek 17 1/2 x 68” oil on linen 2017-19, space gallery, denver

throughout the history of art, informed gestural marks have been ubiquitous. on first glance, they can seem untitdy; even "messy." upon closer examination, they express a particular aesthetic to which i relate strongly. not unlike ones signature, the movement of your hand across the surface creates a kind of dance. the factor that transforms these marks into art is an underlying mastery of draftsmanship.
in giving these examples, my hope is that the visitor will gain a deeper appreciation for where my motion series of paintings is coming from. click on each image, below. mouse over it for details, & right click to scroll through all 12.