ANO KATO means topsy-turvy in greek. the series began with the painting you see below, left, which was painted ca. 1972 in my athens studio.
on the right is a painting titled parade. it's based on photographs i took of a parade in athens in 2009. it was shown in my 2010 solo show at skoufa gallery, athens, and is now in a private collection.
it was the inspiration for a series of paintings such as the one below, right, all based upon images as seen from above, which as always been a passion of mine. the ANO KATO exhibition took place in houston, texas at gremillion & co. fine art in november, 2015.
"there is about him something of the storyteller, even if we never quite figure out what the story is. he makes us wonder what his people get up to when they aren't in the picture-and that is after all one of the perennial aims of painting."
john russell in a new york times review of my solo show at fischbach gallery, 9/25/1982
BELOW: the ANO KATO series. consisting of 30 paintings.
BELOW: 16x16" ANO KATO paintings
BELOW: paintings from the series shown hanging in 2 different areas of our house, highlighting how well they can work in spaces not normally used for art.