ABOVE: DANCERS, 32x22” oil on portrait linen, as she looked yesterday (left) and today
1:22 PM: i made some additions to dancers this morning, adding red trousers to the dancing figue in the lower right of the composition and a shadow beneath the feet of the figure just to the right and above him. i think that’s all i’ll be doing on this one.
and i started the colored pencil drawing for a painting with the same dimension: 32x22” teo of the figures in this composition were photographed earlier today as they worked with their chain saws doing fire mitigation by trimming and cutting low branches. 3 additional figures viewed from above in a museum, appear in this drawing. they have all appeared in previous ano kato series paintings.
ON THE RIGHT: drawing in colored pencil for 3/26/25 ano kato, 32x22”