11:30 AM: every painting has a story. so what’s the story of jazz 20?
she started her life as the last painting in a series titled jazz. the title derives from the fact that, when i started the first painting in what i did not know at the time would become a series, i was listening to thelonious monk playing piano in a way only he could make happen, moment by moent; twist & turn by twist & turn,
the series has in common the dimensions of the paintings: all 35x37” or verticals 37x35”. jazz 20 started her life on october 1, 2023 with 4 images, one of which was a bird painted in detail.
the following afternoon, the bird had been painted over and in it’s place was a japanese figure next to the familiar walking fellow with the blue plaid shirt.
the next afternoon, on october 3, the painting was flipped 360 and painted over in warm grey, with the introduction of the familiar woman in black with the red shoulder bag, who has appeared numerous times in jazz series paintings.
then on october 4th, the painting was once again flipped 360 and more figures were introduced into the now broken up and scraped warm grey ground.
BELOW is a chronological record of jazz 20 from october 3 through today, november 12th. you’ll be able to observe my process of finding the voice, or song of a painting, despite the fact that, frequently, it means painting over passages i had considered sacred when i painted them, never to be disturbed.
so, naturally, the story is autobiographical. it has as much to do with the quality of my sleep the previous night as it does with which painters i was studying over breakfast that morning.
for the viewer, observing the work in a gallery, museum or private residence, the story can be felt, if not actually seen, the more he/she looks, moves away and, hopefully, returns. in many cases, the observer will create their own story, just as valid as mine. and, underlying all this, is the painterly factor, which can be seen and felt according to one’s experiences in the history of art.
BELOW: a chronological history of jazz 20 after october 4th