more work on "jazz 14" / by Philip Tarlow

jazz 14, 37x35” as she looked at the end of my painting day today

2:59 PM: although i’m only in the second day of recovery from my LANAP laser gum sergury, i felt enough energy today to do some painting, so i continued work on jazz 14, which has gone through many stages recently.

i whited over it this morning, and then worked into it, focusing on the now bare breasted female figure with her red hat. the addition of some red, blue & green lines on either side and at the bottom of the composition, viewed from a distance as i’m now doing, give a richness to the largely greyed out composition, allowing us to focus on the central female figure while not forgetting about the composition as a whole.

the swirl of strokes above, and the ghost images of previous versions add mystery to the painting as a whole. the newly added blue wavy lines to the right of the figure give us a hint that the female figure and her husband are overlooking the water; in this case, the river running through alamosa.