BELOW: walkabout as it looked this morning, a few hours ago and, on the right, moments ago
12:01 PM: this morning i worked on a new painting titled walkabout, 16x16” which is painted over a previous piece i found in my storage space, date and subject unknown.
now that it’s still early and i have juice, i’m moving on to do more work on jazz 20, taking it to the next stage. i’ll post pics as when they become available in an hour or two.
2:40: i’ve been working for the past few hours on taking jazz 20 to the next level. it’s quite a bit brighter than before and has a clearer relationship to the previous paintings in my jazz series of 20 paintings.
at work on jazz 20 earlier today
BELOW: jazz 20 as it looked yesterday & today
walkabout 16x16” moments ago