mosaic 1 oil on portrait linen
3:20 PM: mikela had class & dropped my off in the studio on her way this morning. i’ve been working non-stop on mosaic 1 except for a one hour break when our new windows were delivered. we’re storrning them here in the studio till they can be installed, starting friday. we’re replacing most but not all of our 29 year old windows, which will give us far better insulation & reduce sun damage to our upholstery to near zero.
after going over the entire surface with pinkish red yesterday, i worked into it today, introducing a creek landscape element. at the end of the day, i flipped it 180° making the remaining mosaic faces upright.
but tomorrow i may continue working on it as you see it pre-flipping. actually, after gazing at it while posting this, i decided i prefer it in the pre-flip state!
BELOW: our new windows awaiting installation, starting friday
mosaic 1 which i just now flipped 180°, so that the creek-scape appears upside down and the mosaic faces are right side up