mosaic 1 following this morning’s work
12:17 PM: yesterday we went to salida for dental appointments & covid moderna biValent booster shots. we had cleanings at the dentist, and they found 4-5 areas of deep decay which will require a number of visits, removal of craowns & a number of other procedures over an equal number of visits. i’ve been having moderate to extreme pain in an upper molar where i had a root canal 2 years ago, and what they discovered, which they’ll call to confirm today, is that the molar in question is cracked, causing the pain, and needs to be extracted. more information than you wanted or needed to know, but i’ve got to vent somewhere!
as for the covid shots, we’re both feeling the predicted side effects, so we’re just lying down & not doing much work. i did get about an hour of work done on mosaic 1 however. it’s getting more interesting and emitting faint sounds of song, but it has a long way to go. i may start a second one to move the energy elsewhere.
the underlying painting, which you can see on days 1 & 2, was inspired by an ancient roman/grek mosaic seen from above & being restored by the figure on the left. that was painted over with a pink-ish color. then the image of a byzantine church in central athens, surrounded by blue sky began to appear. that was painted over whit titanium/zinc white, then scraped into & blotted over this morning, then flipped 180° so that the church roof looks kind of like a flower pot.
detail of upside-down church roof