8/2/2021 creek oil. at 3 pm today
8/2/2021 creek oil. flipped 360° at 3 pm today
3:06 PM: I flipped the painting upside down and added another figure paddling his craft. this kid was originally right next to the one I painted yesterday, but that seemed too boringly obvious. the new kid has flaming red hair and is somewhat more muscular than the kid in the blue bathing suit.
the painting can be viewed either way and it works, which will be fun for whoever the new owner is.
compositionally, the curves of the craft form a semi circle, which kind of makes it look as if you’re looking down a large hole at the two of them, and that maybe they’re just paddling around in circles. the orange-red form to their right, or to their left depending on which way you hang it, is enigmatic. it started out as a cluster of mushrooms we saw on our trail walk.
i’ll see tomorrow morning what, if anything more I do with this painting.
painting 8/2/2021 creek oil earlier today