2021 creek oil: a figure enters the picture / by Philip Tarlow

8/2/2021 creek oil ,26x62” at 1pm, with a new figure

1:11 PM: I painted a figure into 8/2/2021 creek oil this morning. it’s a guy we saw rowing a float in the river under the bridge near alamosa some years back. the entire composition makes a lot more sense now. I felt it coming, but didn’t know what it was going to be.

a little later: mikela & i stopped off at the studio on our way to the kiosk to get fresh corn. as always, she gave me some valuable feedback. it will all go into the hopper, i’ll sleep on it and in the morning, after our trail walk, i’ll see what happens. i never know, and it’s the not knowing i so love.

it’s the left side that doesn’t work. can i or do i want to plan out what i can do to allow this painting to sing? of course not. and that’s a fundamental difference between how i paint today compared with some years ago.

but that’s not etched in stone. right now i’m preparing to execute a commision, which will be a new version of the 2015 ano kato painting you see here.

ano kato 48 46x68”

but, while this new version may end up looking a lot like the original, it will be fresh and new. while it won’t have any collaged elements, which always offer the unplanned marks and shapes that spark unexpected results, every mark is new, fresh energy, colored by my mood that day; what i read over breakfast; even the weather that day.