3:25 PM: we got back a few hour ago from center, colrado, about a 40 minute drive from crestone, where we got our second covid shots. we’re both feeling a little fuzzy, which didn’t happen after the first shot. i went straight to my studio once we got back, thinking i’d do a bit more on 2021 watercolor 11. but no way i could paint.
so my post today, instead of focuing on my latest painting, is about a series of painitngs i made in 2018, inspired by a trip we made to napa valley, california. it’s a very paintable landscape: rows of grape vines under a california sky. if i were to make these paintings today, they would look very different. but i do relate strongly to them. my 15 year total immersion in the greek landscape gave me the tools i needed to paint napa.
they’re all painted in oil on linen and are in private collections in houston, save for one, which hangs in the wine room of a wonderful houston restaurant. they can be found on this page of my site: https://www.philiptarlow.com/fluid-landscape
you can get to this page by clicking on the drop down menu “painting series” and then scrolling down to “fluid landscape.”