rough night following 2nd shot / tweaks to 2021 watercolor 12 / by Philip Tarlow

12:04 PM: we are both experiencing side/after effects from our 2nd covid shot yesterday. we got the shots around noon, and by the time we went to bed the side effects had set in. it’s well known that side effects are more likely after the second shot and not the first. arm pain at the site of the shot, achiness, low energy, etc. are symptoms that can appear and last for a few days.

after taking tynelol, i felt good enough to go to my studio, but after only an hour of work, i was unable to continue. so i’m stopping early & will return to the house and lie down.

after bringing 2021 watercolor 12 to the house a couple of days ago, it seemed to both of us that the face on the figure in blue (mikela) needed to be filled in. it looked ghost-like. that’s about all i did, aside from soem black marks on her hair, a few more strokes on that branch in the upper middle of the composition and some darker blue shadows on her blouse.

i’m so out of it right now, it’s impossible to tell whether that resolves this one, so i’ll bring it back over to the house and see what we think.

this is a good example of how essential it is that you feel good in your body when painting. there’s no way, for example, that i could make those grey marks indicating rocks right now. you have to be in tip top form for your brush to dance over the surface like that.

BELOW: on the left-the before, and on the right, the watercolor at the end of my painting day, just now.