watercolor 114, 10 x 13”
3:20 PM: i made a new watercolor after the work i did earlier today on 2020 creek oil 1. it’s simpler than most in this series, but not quite a spare as yesterdays watercolor 113. new possibilities are emerging now that i’m using a smoother paper, with less grain than the paper arches paper i had been using for all the previous ones. more sensitive, pricise strokes are now a possibility. on the other hand, i can’t lay down a full brush and have the colors spread and migrate unpredictably, as i could with the heavier paper.
1:13 PM: after yesterdays watercolor 113, which was born of 2020 creek oil 1, i felt motivated to return to the mother, as it were, and, after flipping it 180 degrees yesterday and gazing at it every so often this morning, i did some more work on it, taking out the second tree trunk, which had formed a V with the other one. plus i added an area of striking williamsburg cobalt teal bluiish on the right, which sings like a vibrating soprano.
BELOW: before todays changes