starting fresh / upsyde-downe /watercolor 113 / by Philip Tarlow

watercolor 113 10 x 13”

4:29 PM: late in the day, as mikela gave me the latest on the rose garden, i made this watercolor: watercolor 113. the 112 watercolors paved the way for creek oil 1 last week, and that in turn gave birth to this latest watercolor. if you go to my 2020 watercolors page (look for it in the dropdown menu above right) you see the evolution. less and less descriptive detail, more and more nature inspired shapes and colors.

it’s almost 2pm. we took our trail walk this morning, so i arrived late in my studio. i took one look at yesterdays oil and removed it from my east wall. i’m kind of torn between starting a new watercolor and starting a new oil. give me a few minutes & i’ll decide, and post whatever i do. in the mean time, this is an oil study done some years ago for a commission at gremillion & co. fine art. i client wanted a small painting for a wooden jewelry box. i had a metropolitan museum bulletin about minoan art, and used the images to create this painting and, eventually the small painting for the wooden box.

it now hangs in our guest bedroom. mikela loves it, so it’s not going anywhere soon.

so after futzing around for a few hours, i decided to go the watercolor route. before starting to paint, i turned 8-17-20 creek oil upside down. i like it better, and it’s giving me some ideas about where i might go next with it.

8-17-20 creek oil turned 180degrees