continuing work on gaze 31 this morning/good morning crestone/baca!! / by Philip Tarlow

                                                                          5 stages of gaze 31

4:35 PM: this is where i'm stopping for the day. i've done a lot since yesterday morning, and my first glance on Friday will let me know whhat's next. tomorrow is not a studio day; we have a morning meeting.






12:42 PM: this is gaze 31 as it looked moments ago, as i continue work on this one, i need to keep reminding myself, "this is a painting!!!" play is key, and it eventually, as we all do, it will find it's identity; it's voice. and that, in a nutshell, is the point of our educational startup, actionlab360: for kids to discover their unique voice as early on as possible.





GOOD MORNING CRESTONE/BACA!! morning light falling on millions of years old rocks on our living room table

9:30 AM: today i'll continue work on gaze 31, 32x32" which i began yesterday. below: the first 3 stages thus far: