gaze 31 begins today, especially beautiful afternoon light yesterday / by Philip Tarlow

stage 2 of gaze 31  32x32" mixed media on canvas

2:16 PM: stopping here for the day, mainly because i have an extremely rare studio visitor at 3:15. i'll resume tomorrow. for now, in this very early stage, gaze 31 is becoming, and as yet has not discovered it's identity. there are still large areas of white canvas, giving one the impression of a sketch. which is not a bad thing; i love sketches!






12:53 PM: i've begun collaging bits of newspaper & maps & will continue after i take a short break & walk over to the house.

11:59 AM: i just completed the drawing for gaze 31. it's based upon a late 19th c. photo by f/a/ rinehart of a blackfoot named thundercloud. let's see where it goes from here. i think some collage may be next.







7 AM: this morning i'll stretch a new 32x32" canvas and start the drawing for gaze 31. which may be based upon a late 19th c. photo of a native american man with a particularly poignant gaze. i'll post pics as i begin working on it.

yesterday afternoon there was an especially beautifully beautiful late afternoon light on the mountains, perhaps because it was stormy on the peaks, which then cleared and left behind a crystal clear yet moist atmosphere. these are moments constable was always on the lookout for. the light also had a particular quality announcing the imminent arrival of fall, which arrives early at our altitude.