burnum burnum's aboriginal australia returns to me/drawings for sure parade series completed / by Philip Tarlow

6:58PM update: today i was able to complete the drawings on linen for 9 new parade paintings. tomorrow i'l stretch the first of these and begin painting. i've never organized my work in this way, and it's a great feeling. 

about 15 years ago, mikela and i took a small group of about 18 to the pitantjatjara lands in the outback of central australia. we slept outdoors beneath the southern sky, with it's unfamiliar constellations.

elders lee & leah brady were our hosts. we fell deep in love with the land and the aboriginals we met. we had a taste of the their dream-time mythology and one of it's many stories, which is their piece of the larger aboriginal story. we learned how to hunt for wigidy grubs and honey ants, and we traveled to some of their sacred sites. it's the only place we've been that we want to return to.

while there, once we were back in sydney, we bought a book, now out of print, which you see below. last year at our local mens group, a guy i had never met struck up a conversation and he shared his passion for aboriginal cultures. i told him about our book. he got excited, so i lent it to him. 

a few days later he was killed in a car crash on the 285, the road we drive when we go to denver. i haven't been able to get in touch with his wife, to ask if she has the book. so i found a used one on amazon and it arrived yesterday. below, some pictures from burnam brunam's aboriginal australia.