"3/21/25 ano kato" / 38x20" ano kato, 2023 / by Philip Tarlow

3/21/25 ano kato, 31x27 3/4 cm watercolor and collage on arches paper

3:52 PM: 3/21/25 ano kato has flipped 90 degrees and received on more piece of collaged paper.

2:02 PM: today 3/21/25 ano kato transformed into a watercolor/collage. after extensive detailed work in watercolor, i kinda knew what was coming and opened my drawers devoted to various pieces of paper, including old maps, and commenced collaging over the watercolor, not without some delight.

s few areas of the original watercolor remain, and the rest is covered by collaged paper, some of which has quill pen drawings i made expressly for the purpose of collaging. i looked everywhere for where i put my glue sticks following the studio clean up and re-org, but couldn’t find them. fortunately, there was one partially used one sitting on my work table.

this 38x20” 2023 ano kato series painting hangs in our entryway.

38x20” ano kato, 2023