drawing for "3/21/25 ano kato" / by Philip Tarlow

the drawing for 3/21/25 ano kato 31x27 3/4 cm.

1:27 PM: this morning i made the drawing in pencil on arches aquarelle paper for 3/21/25 ano kato. it’s inspired by a photo i shot from above in a shopping mall. there are 3 figures strolling along, and one standing figure interacting with a woman sitting in a chair. the walking area is made of marble, which has been very artistically cut into pieces that fit together almost as if the size of each piece and how they fit together was designed by an artist. adjacent to the marble walking area is a patterned olive rug with a blue border and a design with light ochre leaves punctuated by rose/blue patterns..

i’m excited to begin the watercolor!