2:14 PM: i skipped a day because we drove up & back to denver to pick up our repaired car & drop off the rental, wioth a stop for a blood draw on the way. it was a 12 hour day, and i was exhausted this morning, but i had to come to the studio to fulfill what was in my vision while we were away.
a day away can be benneficial. and in this case, i think i proved the point that in order to do something worthwhile….even brilliant, you often have to do something mediocre first.
why the radical changes? i wasn’t really in a representational landscape space. so as much as i loved the patterned photo of the sangres at sunset, shot through the screen of our bathroom window, the painting itself wasn’t exciting me, and represents something i might have done a fe wyears back.
BELOW: sangres sunset on 7/7 (left) & today
sangres sunset, 66x16” oil on linen at the end of day