celebration XV, 32x36” oil & collage on linen, after the collaging i did today
BELOW: celebration XV before (left) and after todays collaging
2:09 PM: after the collaging i did yesterday on celebration XIV, i was inspired to do the same with celebration XV, which i had considered resolved. what got me over the line was just how elegantly simple celebration XIV became as a rersult of the collaging.
so earlier this morning i made more reed pen ink drawings on light weight paper and cut them up into shapes typical of what i do. i brought them all over to where i had the painting resting flat on my table and began trying different pieces out in sections of the composition i felt could use some braking up, being careful not to collage over any critical passages containing figures.
when i compare the freshly collaged painting with the previous version, i think it’s mission accomplished. the newly collaged composition allows the eye to move more easily and naturally to the key figurative elemnts which now sing more of a harmonious song.
BELOW: details