skateboarding girl cropped / pine peak on5/2/24, 3pm / by Philip Tarlow

skateboarding girl cropped just now

12:05 PM: skateboarding girl was always too busy. so today i cut it down and stretched it on a 24x18” stretcher bar. i can now gaze at her without my eye wandering all over the canvas in utter confusion! oh, you might think, what a shame to go from a 42x42” painting down to a 24x18”. so what? what counts is the final result which, in this case, makes it well worth it!

pine peak, 42x42” completed may 2, 2024 and now hanging in our home.

7:39 AM: pine peak, 42x42” oil & collage on linen, was completed on may 2 and currently hangs in our house. it’s one of my recent paintings that stands out and holds up over time. every painting can’t be a winner, and it’s impossible to know until some time passes and, as with this one, you never tire of gazing at it and are always finding something you hadn’t previously noticed.