HOUSTON PAINTINGS DELIVERED 6/13/24 / by Philip Tarlow

8:33 AM: yesterday afternoon a van arrived from houston containing at least 100 of my paintings on canvas and paper. they were all from the former gremillion gallery, which recently closed it’s doors after many decades. over the years i had one man shows, took part in group shows, have talks and spent wonderful time with the former ownder/director and dearest friend, ron gremillion.

the paintings are now sitting in my studio and newly built studio storage room. it will take time for me to go throught them, photograpg and catalogue them and eventually find homes fro some of them, including museum and private collections as well as galleries across the country.

here are a few shots i too k as they were being unloaded from the van and placed in my studio by the amazing tate, who packed, loaded them and drove from houston over 2 days+.