vyd zverkhu ii 24x28” oil on linen, as she looked at the end of my painting day today
2:55 PM: after starting the drawing for VYD ZVERKHU II yesterday, i began introducing color to the drummer this afternoon. it’s too early to get a sense of the composition as a whole, but the drawing, in grey pencil, will give you a hint.
i’m still unsure about vyd zverkhu i and whether to leave her as is or continue working. that’s one of the great advantages of starting a new one; it allows me to continue assesing and perhaps be influenced by discovieries i may make in this new one.
as matisse said, let the painting tell you where it wants to go. (i’m paraphrasing)
my son dimitri sent me this photo of a painting made by my 2 year old grand daughter in the benaki museum, where they provide kids with painting materials, smocks, etc.