3:17 pm: ABOVE: museumscape, 40x16” as it looked following today’s work
i worked on musuemscape, which is now a vertical, then moved to celebration IV. i always find that going back and forth between 2 paintings in process is beneficial to both. when i arrive at a place on one where what i’m about to do feels predictable, i switch to the other one.
i introduced two figures to celebration IV. they were inspired by a b&w photo from above of two people crossing a street, their long shadows falling on the cross-walk. much of the drawing surrounding them derives from photos i’ve shot over time of cottonwood creek.
this painting, like museumscape, will continue to evolve over the next few days, when the natural light may not be as bright as it’s been, due to a rapidly approaching storm system from the west coast, which will dominate our weekend weather.
celebration IV as it looked at the end of my painting day