“taiko” day 4 / walking stick corner / by Philip Tarlow

taiko, 22 1/2 x 30” watercolor, gouache & collage on arches watercolor paper

BELOW: details of taiko

1:43 PM: i arrived at my studio early today; about 8:45, and after making breakfast, i worked pretty much all day on taiko. i introduced collage elements as well as palm leaf patterning. i collaged rectangular pieces of tracing paper over areas that seemed too dark or busy.

i had attached the arches watercolor paper to a piece of white foam core, which created a white border surrounding the image. about an hour ago i began finding that white border was taking away from the painting. i have some pieces of dark grey cardboard, which were not big enough, so i improvised, cutting 4 narrow strips and fastening them around the piece, which now allows me to view it withoutdistraction.

9:41 AM: this morning i completer the transformation of the NW corner fo my studio. what was once stacked with empty 85” cardboard tubes is now home to my collection of walking sticks, some of which i painted, and two of my skateboarder collages.