BELOW: CELEBRATION I & II (left & right repectively) at the end of my painting day today
2:39 PM: i did more work on celebration I & II this afternoon. i think i’ll go on to a new one so i don’t overwork them.
celebration II, 14x18” oil on linen, following this morning’s revisions
11:45 AM: this morning i brough fresh energy to celebration II (previously 14x18” canvas II). yesterday i had painted over it and regreted it, so i wiped out what i had done. along with what i had painted over it, i also wiped out some of the elements from the original. so this morning, i re-painted them and added a few new elements, such as the blue rectangular shapes on the lower left; the green garment beneath the pink jacket of the figure on the upper rightand the yellow garment on the fiugre doing a handstand.
it’s singing it’s song now, so i’m going to let it be.