acropolis museum VII, further adjustments / by Philip Tarlow

acropolis museum VII as it looked following today’s chnages to the collaged piece of paper

2:26 PM: i was having issues with the piece of collaged paper on the mid-right, which wouldn’t stick to the canvas. so i read up on it and learned something i’ve wanted to know for a long time; how to collage a piece of paper to an oil painting on canvas. the solution was simple, and i happen to have the recommended PVA size.

once i had accomplished that by tracing the shape i wanted and cutting it out then mounting it on the painting, i worked into it. the result is different than before, and i think much improved! imy original intention was to hide the figure of the jumping female skateboarder, and what i had done on the other piece of paper that wouldn’t stick was ok, but not fully integrated into the composition, which it now is.

BELOW: yesterday’s version, with the paper i couldn’t attach, is on the LEFT