3:24 PM: today, as i gazed at one of my ano kato series of paintings, which was in a 2015 solo show at gremillion fine arts, houston, i was moved to make some changes to one of the female figures. the composition is set in one of the galleries at MOMA, in a view from above. the figures stand on the glass floor, which allows a view of the gallery just beneath this one; totally up my alley!
my changes were mainly to the figure on the right, although i did give the one on the left a semi-transparent dress.
i’m progressing slowly on jazz 19, so it’s too early to tell where it’s heading. on the left is a HU musician seen from above, playing his instrument. and on the right, a close-up detail of that same musician’s fingers, with a detail of his instrument. i’ll pick up where i left off tomorrow.