2:22 PM: i still wasn’t happy with the upper portion of the composition of hu 1, so i went over what i had done, took out the skateboarder and instead painted in a dancing figure with checkered shorts, who has appeared in previous paintings & is part of a celebration following the 2020 olympics. the green diagonal floor with triangles of sunlight behind her really does it for me. i also introduced a stronger orange next to the duck and the walking plaid shirted figure, as welll as a light speckled floor surroiunding the dancing girl with the red hat. i think this may be it for hu 1!
for the past few weeks, i had the tall, narrow 80x20” untitled painting sitting in storage waiting to dry. i had made a preliminary drawing of the landscape at piso yialia on the island of andros, in diluted grey-black oil on the off-white ground. so today i started working into it, using a photo i had shot 10 or so years ago or perhaps longer, i can’t really recall and the photo isn’t dated.
this landscape is very familiar to me, and much loved; more so than any i can think of. so it’s a delight to be making such a large painting of it. a lone figure sits high on the rocks overlooking the sea and the landscape beyond, with it’s characteristic, for andros, beautifully constructed stone walls. thus far, i’ve only worked on the upper half of the composition, but i’m definitely excited about it!
HU 1 at the end of my painting day today