1:48 PM: i got a late start today because it was creek walk morning. there were fewer mosquitoes, but we were glad we had our netted mosquito jackets!
i was inspired to do more work on gained vision III, mostly on the upper portion of the composition. i like what happened, and would continue but it’s hot and i’m tired from our creek walk, so i’m going to stop for the day.
looking at gained vision III tacked to my east studio wall next to II, even though III is still in process, there’s a distict difference. II is sharper, more focused, more descriptive. III is softer, with the distinctive colors more integrated in to the whole. i’m not making a judgement here, just an observation of my process and how it’s shifting, starting with the modifications i made yesterday to jazz 16.
one could say of II that there are two distict focuses of attention in the composition: the japanese figure in red & the walking figure in plaid, in the upper segment. and in III, the japanese woman in red is a part of the composition, with it’s diverse patterning and softer colors.
i should be more rested tomorrow morning, and able to spend mor etime on this one.