HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD! my Dad, Roy Tarlow, in NYC, 2003 / more work on jazz 15/ HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD! my Dad, Roy Tarlow, in NYC, 2003 / by Philip Tarlow

1:06 PM: jazz 15 as it looked following the work i did this morning

12:51 PM: i mixed a warm grey color using 3 different greys, black & a tad of cadmium red medium. then i proceeded to grey over all the compositional elements i found distracting after working on the skateboarder’s left leg & face/neck.

HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD! my Dad, Roy Tarlow, in NYC, 2003

10:27 AM: good morning my friends! i’m back in the studio, as promised, following a 2 day trip; just back from santa fe yesterday afternoon.

here’s my palette for this morning’s work on jazz 15, which i worked on a few days ago and is not yet singing.

the reason you see all those flesh tones is that i’ll be working on the left leg of the skateboarder.

once i’m done with that, i’ll see where this want to go as a composition.

jazz 15 on june 15th