jazz 9 35 x 37” / 94x89 cm. oil on linen, stage 1
3:55 PM: i started jazz 9 today, and here’s where it’s at. gotta run now, but i’ll continue posting later.
8:19 AM: for you loyal followers of my blog, you will know that 7:50am is the absolute earliest i ever got to my studio. this is due of course to the fact that mikela had to leave to get to school, but this morning she had to leave even earlier so she could stop by the studio, where the printer is located & have me print out a tax doc she needed. she also got to take a look at jazz 8, which she totally loved. and i immediately theough, oh shit, how am i ever going to do something this good again?
so she’s off now and i’m finishing my breakfast, with the remains of the fresh roasted yemeni coffee i prepare for her every morning. delicious!
as soon as i’m done having breakfast, i’ll assess the situation and start something new.
what i’m seeing more and more is the value of starting with what always turns out to be an underpainting, but must be done as if it were the final painting. in other words, i have to trick myself into believing that what i’m doing the first couple of days is going to remain that way & not almost totally dissapear. it’s the bits that are left & peek through that create the magic.
at work on jazz 8 2 days ago, before it transformed
jazz 8 as it looked at the end of my painting day yesterday