continuing jazz 6 re-visiting “periscope” / by Philip Tarlow

jazz 6 following a few last minute changes made moments ago

3:15 PM: as frequently happens, before walking out the door to go over to the house so mikela & i could take our walk up the creek, i made some changes to jazz 6. i used the edge of a palette knife to scrape into the figures, which were too highly defined and weren’t working in the composition as a whole. it’s better, but more may be in store tomorrow morning; we’ll see.

jazz 6 37x35”/94x89cm. as it looked at the end o fmy painting day today.

2:24 PM: today i did considerable work on the new jazz 6.

as with the others in this series, i whited over everything extraneous to the composition and added a new figure of a guy holding his phone in a way that so many of us do, oblivious to everything going on around him, including the other figures….even the debt ceiling!

that figure may be too dominant; i’ll know better in the morning. i’m stopping early because we’re going to walk up the trail in about an hour, taking advantage of the sunny day. more rain predicted for tomorrow.

periscope has been up on my south studio wall since the last time i worked on it. i’m considering more work on it, but am still undecided.

at work on periscope, april 10 and on the right, the painting as it looks today