2:07 PM: i returned to the house after starting to feel a bit dizzy, related to a mild concussion following my fall yesterday. but not before some collaging onto benaki museum vista! towards the top of the composition you will see a collaged cutout piece of a drawing i made this morning. and towards the bottom is a cut up piece of a map of seattle.
tomorrow morning, if i’m feeling up for it, i’ll likely continue collaging.
1:04 PM: by taking frequent breaks, during which i sat and proofed mikela’s grant application, i was able to do some collaging onto benaki museum vista. but now it’s catching up with me & i’m starting to feel achy, so i think after this post, i’ll go back to the house & lie down. not bad for my first day after the fall!
5:57 AM: when i awoke this morning, i realized that i did indeed gat a concussion when i fell & hit my head on the wall in my studio and bruised my right arm. so i’m going to take it easy for a few days until i feel fully recovered.