4/13/23 morning drawing / continued work on “good doc LL” / by Philip Tarlow

3:29 PM: i did more work on good doc II today, and it’s starting to take shape. tomorrow i have to stop ealy for a medical appointment, so let’s see what i can get done in the morning.

the second figure is making a big difference, especially the red of her blouse & blue of her dress.

i can’t work non stop; i take breaks when the energy wanes and jump back in when my gut says GO!

it’s critical to know when to paint and when not. it’s not a mechanical process; it’s a very organic one. whicvh color, which brush or oil stick…they’re all dependent on that fugitive 6th sense, so that all the variables and potential align, sometimes for minutes; sometimes longer, but you’ve got to be present.

good doc II as it looked at the end of my painting day

11:48 AM: i’m continuing work on the new good doc II today and will post updates as ti work. here, i’m picking up where i left off yesterday afternoon, while mikela is giving a presentation and the window crew are at work mudding the areas surrounding the insides of the newly installed windows.

1043 AM: i made another drawing this morning while having my breakfast. it’s in colored pencil on paper, dimensions: 21x15cm./8.25x5.75”

4/13/23 morning drawing 21x15cm.