periscope 78x23”/ 198x58cm. as it looked at the end of my painting day today.
4:27 PM: i pretty much painted all day starting about noon. i got a lot done, and as usual it’s too soon to tell if it was good or if it’s crap. the two figures are way more defined; perhaps too defined…it was an odyssey, taking it off the wall & putting it on the table ain’t easy when we’re talking about a 78” tall unstretched canvas, meaning it curls up on itself, the fresh paint rubs off on your clothing, etc.
as for the composition, i like it better than yesterday’s version. that said, the bottom figure is a bit wierd now that i’m back in the houselooking at the photo of the painting. i think she’ll be gone tomorrow morning. it may be best with just the top figure. if you block it out with your hand, you’ll see what i mean. she’s just an intruder, albeit a slightly deKooning-esque one!
but i’m very grateful and glad you’re following my process, those of you who are; it kind of keeps it real for me knowing that i’m sharing with even one or two of you. usually, on a typical day, i get about a dozen visitors. actually, if you think about it, that’s impressive, considering just how many things most of us are juggling.
undated watercolor, 11x14.5”/28x37cm.
12:10 PM: this is one of the many watercolors i have in a stack on top of my filing cabinet. they need to be organized and filed, whenever i find the time!