starting work on "benaki museum vista," 198.12 x 58.4 cm (78 x 23") / by Philip Tarlow

2:19 PM: jet lag: they say it takes a day for every hour of time difference. so right now, it’s 11:19 pm in athens. and the energetic wall i hit about half an hour ago makes sense!

but up until that point, i was able to start work on this new painting, inspired by our visit about 2 weeks ago to the acropolis museum in athens, greece, where had gone for my solo exhibition, to visit with my son & grandkids, and hang with my cousin mindy & her husband marc on their very first visit to greece.

when we visited the benaki museum, we encountered this view of athens from one of the large windows. there was a tourist gazing at the vista, and i shot a couple of photos, figuring i might refer to them in a future painting when we returned home. we got home march 18th, and i’m just getting back to work today, or at least this morning, till that time-difference freight train hit me full on!

the size of the canvas i chose to start working on is larger than the paintings i had been making before leaving for greece: 78 x 23”, or 198.12 x 58.4 cm. how i proceed tomorrow is up in the air.

BELOW: details of this new painting

benaki museum vista, 198.12x58.4 cm. stage 1