argolid, 38x36” as it looked after the whiteover and the start of my initial new composition
2:45 PM: i had about enough of all that bright blue in argolid, so i whited over it and started working into it. i cut my left index finger this morning with my new super sharp bread knife. i’ve got it all bandaged up but as soon as i take the bandage off to change it, blood gushes out. hoping it doesn’t need stiches…we’ll see tomorrow.
acropolis museum V, 35x37” as it looked following my tweaks to the undergarment of the jumping skateboarder
11:54 AM: i got an early start this morning, and was able to work on the same two paintings i was working on yesterday.
on acropolis V i made some minor improvements to the same jumping female skateboarder as yesterday. on nude by the creek, i whited over the entire painting, but with a thin enough layer of paint as to allow some of yesterdays version to peek through, giving the newly painted figures something to stand on. the white oil paint picked up some of the still fresh layer from yesterday, giving it a pinkish hue. the by now familiar figures of the acropolis museum visitors: the woman with the red bag and the couple are drawn in, with only suggestions of flesh tones.
nude by the creek as it looked at noon today