kabuki creek, 20x80” / 50.8 x 203.2 cm oil on linen
2:41 PM: and a bit more work on kabuki creek, including that siena i’m not sure about yet.
kabuki creek, 20x80” / 50.8 x 203.2 cm oil on linen
12:06 PM: this morning, and until a few minutes ago, i continued work on what used to be the original acropolis painting, which has become kabuki creek.
drawing from the considerable number of photos i’ve shot over the years of our local creeks, and from reproductions of tokugawa reimeikai’s handscrolls of women’s kabuki, ca. 1620’s-30’s, i’m creating a composition more suited to the 20x80”/ 50.8 x 203.2cm. dimensions of this canvas. i’ll see, following this brief break to post to my blog, whether there’s more to do. my juices start flowing and roiling when it involves rocks, branches and water.