acropolis museum becomes "no-environment" AND THEN RETURNS TO ITSELF! as does “jazz 14” / by Philip Tarlow

acropolis museum, 80x19.5” after i wiped off the fresh paint i applied this morning

no-environment, 19.5x80” oil on linen, as it looked moments ago.

jazz 14 35x37” as it looked after the changes i made this morning and then scrubbed out

with no-environment a few moments ago

11:39 AM: after my first swipes of the brush an hour ago, i added one more figure on the right, and that may be it fo no-environment.

no-environment, 19.5x80” oil on linen, as it looked about half an hour ago.

10:46 AM: this morning, bored and tired of looking at acropolis museum and after eating breakfast while perusing the MOMA deKooning retrospective catalogue, i grabbed acropolis museum, lay it on my painting table and began working on a new horizontal composition titled no-environment.

i’m getting back to work now, but i’ll tell you one thing: it’s a helluva lot easier to post this size painting horizontally than vertically!

oh, and one more thing: we had a wonderful time last night with a couple who live near us here in the baca grande. something we both took away is a new found freedom. they are both “retired” but are having the time of their lives, with no attachment to creating results or doing a good job. now that sounded good to us, and we’re allowing it to enter our space today.