2:09 PM: i did more work on the orchid and stopped about an hour ago, when i ran out of juice. here she is lying on my studio floor till she dries enough tomorrow for me to hang it on the wall & take a good photo. as of now, the only thing remaining of the orchid is that bit of mauve blossom towards the upper right of the composition.
we’ll see how much i can get done tomorrow, when the skies will be dark & i’ll have to use artificial light.
12:50 PM: i dove back in to the orchid this morning, there are very few remaining indications that this was, until yesterday, jazz 14! i’m in the midst of working, so here are 2 pics of me at work moments ago.
as many of you know, i’m crazy about weather, so the forecast for a possible 18” of snow tonight through tomorrow night is very exciting. if it materializes, that will put us close to average precip. for the year. right now we’re in light to moderate drought.