the 32x40” board of images i put together for my exhibition opening in aspen tomorrow
3:54 PM: this morning and into early afternoon i completed work on printing and mounting the collection of images you see above, mounted on a 32x40” board. it will be placed behind me as i talk, and although attendees won’t be able to make out details or the labels i made and attached, they will get the general idea from afar and be able to view it close up following my 20 minute talk. the purpose is, of course, to shed more light on the title of the exhibition: jestur. what’s the nature of the gesstural marks in these works? how and why do they transcend time, so that a cave painting made over 18,000 years ago rests ocmfortably next to a matisse painted in 1938? why does a vermeer sleeve evoke abstractions? how does the painterly show up in all these works, regardless of it’s origins in time and space?
7:33 AM: these are a few of the art historical examples of jestur i’ll be referring to tomorrow at my gallery talk.