next stage of ano kato 50 / by Philip Tarlow

ano kato 50 on 8/23/22 4pm

3:50 PM: we walked up the trail this morning, so i got a bit of a late start. we saw 7 people on the trail; the most we’ve ever seen. just one more indication of how much crestone/baca are growing.

in the earlier stages of this current painting, i was, as always, tempted to leave it with one of the two figures just sketched in. i’m glad i decided to keep going with it. it has a richness beyond the numerous other variations of this theme of 2 paddlers on the river in alamosa. as was the case yesterday, my focus was on the right portion of the composition: the red head, the skiff & the river water.

i’m definitely going to continue tomorrow, and likely for a few more days after that, until it sings it song in a full throated way.

BELOW: yesterday’s stage and today’s (right)