3:20 PM: after returning from our morning trail walk, where i made this little drawing, i arrived relatively late at my studio & didn’t get to work till about noon. so what? noon, schmoon! it’s all good.
i made quite a few additions and modifications to the dinner party, including a fair amount of improvements to the female figures on the right. i also slightly toned down the stark white of the table, tok the couch & pillows to the next level and gave some definition to the sculptural piece on the wall to the right.
i go back & forth between feeling maybe there’s too much going on; too many details, and enjoying the richness of the composition. i know all the participants, of course, but it’s hard to get that this dinner party took place only 6 years ago. seems like ancient history.
i’m also constantly amazed at how i can make a painting like handstand (BELOW left) and this july 1st collage (RIGHT) less than a month ago and then a painting like the dinner party. fortunately, i don’t have a gallerey director breathing down my neck trying to encourage a consistancy in my work. if you review my entire body of work over decades, you’ll discover that, indeed, there is a consistancy. it’s called PAINTERLY!
so i’ll continue work on the dinner party tomorrow. we’re not walking the trail tomorrow, so i should be able to arrive earlier at the studio.
7/8/22 trail drawing. 4x6” colored pencil
cobleskill, 7/1/22, after i flipped it upside down last night