paddlers on bright yellow, day 2 / by Philip Tarlow

paddlers on bright yellow, day 2

2:54 PM: i very gingerly continued work on paddlers on bright yellow today. the blue surrounding the paddler on the right is new, and i did more work on his upper body. plus, the paddler on the left now holds a paddle. i like what i did today, especially since i was pretty late getting to the studio. we didn’t get back from our walk till 9:30 & i didn’t arrive at the studio till almost 11. it was a great walk, with temperatures hovering around 65-8F and a real sparkle in the air. i made a drawing by the creek and photographed a beautiful “dead” tree, which you can see BELOW. i put dead in quotes because, if you take a look at it, it seems more alive or as alive as many living trees. i know, i know, it’s no longer growing or receiving nourishment from the earth, but…

i’m glad i took it slow. as i said yesterday, i don’t want to ruin the delicate balance of form & color this one has, and i relish that feeling of totally not knowing where it will take me next.

BELOW: left-”dead” tree we saw on our walk and on the right-the creek drawing i made this morning