mosaic, 38x44” as it looked at the end of my painting day today
3:20 PM: i spent most of today taking the newly titled, for obvious reasons, mosaic, to the next stage in it’s development. the mythological figures have been further developed, new ones added and a piece of an article on minoan pottery collaged on the right. the black swirls in this reproduction of a minoan ceramic piece offset the flesh tones of the figures. and the two dolphins below lighten the mood, introducing a playfulness. what remains of yesterday’s image of the mother and child provides a richness of color: the reds of the baby’s shirt and a certain, what for me is an exciting visual fluidity/ambiguity.
mosaic 38x44” oil & collage on portrait linen, as it looked earlier today
1:17 PM: i scraped & collaged over the first stage of mother & chils at space, which i started yesterday, and today took a different path. so the painting is now titled mosaic, inspired by one of the pompeiian mosaics from about 79 AD. too early to tell where it’s headed, which is unpredictable for the moment. stay tuned!