1:57 PM: as I said 2 hours ago, “maybe i’ll do a bit more…” and I did. here she is.
I certainly did not intend for this guy to have the look of a modern day hero. a few collaged bits from a minoan vase did the trick, however. and just like that, it went from the prosaic to the poetic. could this have something to do with the face that, for the past week or so, before falling asleep i’ve been reading a couple of pages from joyce’s ulysses? and if so, might this be bloom? could be, since joyce set it up so that bloom is whoever you the reader think he is. at the moment, I can’t think of a more ideal way to fall asleep! give it a try, and don’t let the languaging or the syncopation get in your way; just read and engage.
1:04 PM: as r was cutting the wood for the simple frames i’m going to put around my oils, I worked on watercolor/collage 6 in this series of 9 i’m doing. I may stop for the day, since it’s already been a long, complex day & I actually wasn’t expecting to get any painting done! we’ll be walking up the trail at 3, and I do have a bit more time to paint, so maybe i’ll do a bit more to this one.
interestingly, this guy’s face looks almost exactly like me in my early teens! what’s that all about?
10:51 AM: this morning as scheduled, a construction friend came over to my studio to cut down the 4x8 ft. masonite boards as supports for the 18 canvases in the polyptych series . I mounted one to see how it looks and it’s pretty cool. the collaging had created ripples in the portrait linen, so it was hard to get a sense of how they’d look if they were laying flat. so here’s the first one. he went to fetch a roller, which will make the other 18 easier to mount & roll out the air bubbles, which in this first one I had to do by hand.
I think if I glue 3-4 a day, i’ll get through them.